Hourly from Stendal to Berlin
[Translate to Englisch:] Carsten Moll, Vorsitzender der Regionalleitung DB Regio Nordost, Patrick Puhlmann, Landrat LK Stendal, Tobias Jensch, Abteilungsleiter Angebotsplanung NASA GmbH, Dr. Lydia Hüskens, Ministerin für Infrastruktur und Digitales Sachsen-Anhalt, Bastian Sieler, Oberbürgermeister Stendal (v.l.).
Starting on Sunday, passengers will be able to have hourly connections between Stendal and Berlin. To this end, Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (NASA), in cooperation with Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) and DB Regio Nordost, has ordered additional trains between Stendal and Rathenow on behalf of the state. This will provide around 500 extra seats every two hours in each direction and significantly relieve congestion on the route.
The RE4, which currently terminates at Rathenow, will be extended to Stendal every two hours. In the other hour it will still be possible to transfer between the RE4 and the RB34 in Rathenow. Ultimately, this means eight additional trains per day in each direction. This also means more connections over longer distances on the Uelzen - Salzwedel - Berlin and Wolfsburg - Berlin routes.
"Expanding our services always presents us with a number of challenges. Firstly, there is the limited number of trains available from the railway companies and on the market. Then we have to ensure that we have enough staff to staff the additional trains and, last but not least, funding is of course an important component," said Dr Lydia Hüskens, Minister for Infrastructure and Digital Affairs, at Stendal Central Station today. "It is therefore all the more pleasing that we have been able to secure the additional funding.