Regional and rail passenger transport infrastructure

An intact and efficient infrastructure is a requirement for the successful implementation of traffic concepts. In doing so, the interests of both passenger and cargo traffic must be taken into account.
According to Article 87e of the Basic Law, the federal government guarantees the expansion and maintenance of the rail network of the federal railways. To this end, it uses the railway infrastructure companies, such as DB Netz AG or DB Station & Service AG.
The expansion of the rail network is taking place, for example, through the projects of the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan. The modernization and maintenance of the existing network is regulated by a performance and financing agreement (LuFV) between the federal government and the railway infrastructure companies.
Annex 8.7 takes on a special role within the LuFV. It defines the financing and implementation regulations for projects that serve to improve and expand regional rail passenger transport. These measures must be coordinated between the railway infrastructure companies and the federal states. For projects in Saxony-Anhalt, 121.2 million euros from Annex 8.7 are available within the term of the current LuFV from 2020 - 2029.
In some specific cases, route expansions are also funded by the state (e.g. Halberstadt - Blankenburg and Bernburg - Könnern).
Funds from Annex 8.7 of the LuFV are being used, for example, to extend the Magdeburg - Halberstadt, Dessau - Köthen and Glindenberg - Oebisfelde branches and to rebuild the Lutherstadt Eisleben and Haldensleben stations. NASA GmbH manages the implementation of the LuFV 8.7 projects with Deutsche Bahn AG in close coordination with the responsible Ministry of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.
The state of Saxony-Anhalt provides financial support to the railway infrastructure companies in the station and infrastructure programmes via NASA GmbH in order to accelerate projects of particular interest to the state and to work on key issues. For example, framework agreements have been concluded between DB Station&Service AG and the state for the modernisation and barrier-free expansion of railway stations, with both partners sharing the corresponding planning and construction costs. The current framework agreement, which runs from 2023 to 2029, has a volume of around €131 million.
The infrastructure for regional rail passenger transport does not end at the edge of the platform. The State is also committed to improving the immediate surroundings of the station in order to optimise the links between the different modes of transport. The REVITA programme supports activities to revitalise station buildings. The interface programme mainly supports municipalities in the development of connections to other public transport, bicycle parking and P+R parking. NASA GmbH is responsible for both programmes.