Transport and fare co-operations
Fare integration is an objective of the state's Public Transport Plan. To this end, fare cooperation must be intensified and a state-wide coordinated fare system must be developed. For this reason, NASA GmbH participates in the Deutschlandtarifverbund GmbH and the Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund GmbH (MDV), among others, and works in the Magdeburger Regionalverkehrsverbund GmbH (marego). NASA GmbH monitors and initiates fare cooperations and ticket offers.

Deutschlandtarifverbund (Germany Tariff Association)
NASA GmbH is a shareholder of the Deutschlandtarifverbund GmbH (DTV). The DTV is the new platform for the German railway tariff in local transport. The more than 60 shareholders include local rail passenger transport companies and public transport authorities. In future, the company will jointly set the German rail tariff for local transport and distribute the revenues. For this purpose, uniform industry standards will be defined.
Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund
NASA GmbH is a shareholder of Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund GmbH (MDV). NASA GmbH works closely with the public transport authorities, transport companies and the association in the MDV area on the INSA timetable information system, for which it is jointly responsible, and on transport planning. For example, NASA GmbH was involved in the integrated network, which aims to bring the quality of public transport to the region with the new PlusBus lines.
Magdeburger Regionalverkehrsverbund marego
NASA GmbH provides professional support to Magdeburger Regionalverkehrsverbund GmbH (marego) on behalf of the state in the areas of tariff design, revenue sharing, marketing, passenger information and contract drafting. NASA GmbH participates in the association's committee meetings.
Statewide Ticket Offers
The Saxony-Anhalt School Holiday Ticket ("Schülerferienticket Sachsen-Anhalt") has been issued since 1996 and has been incorporated into the Saxony-Anhalt Family Support Act since 2005. It is a campaign of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the transport companies of Saxony-Anhalt, the MDV transport association, the Association of German Transport Companies and the Saxony-Anhalt Bus Association and is administered by NASA GmbH.
NASA GmbH is also responsible for the fare offer of the Saxony-Anhalt Trainee Ticket ("Azubi-Ticket Sachsen-Anhalt") and handles the clearing between the transport companies. The Azubi-Ticket is a joint offer of the state of Saxony-Anhalt with districts, independent cities, transport associations and companies and is financially supported by the state of Saxony-Anhalt. It aims to improve the mobility of trainees and encourage the use of public transport.
Ticket purchase and price information
In Saxony-Anhalt, a broad range of tickets and fares are available: From standard tickets to commuter, school pupil or recreational tickets. A selection of practical ticket offers and all-important information can be found on