Barrier-free display development

NASA GmbH is developing alternative user interfaces and barrier-free displays for its information portals so they can also be accessed by those with a disability. Barrier-free refers to media which can be located, accessed and used without considerable difficulty and generally without the need of outside assistance. In particular, those who suffer a sensory impairment and are therefore not allowed to drive, are thus able to access travel information and subsequently purchase tickets by themselves.
Nowadays, there are many information portals available for many modes of transport. Generally speaking, they are made available by transport service companies and associations in a browser, or as an app, as is the case with NASA GmbH. They often feature a large number of visual elements and selection menus that make the portal more attractive, but that do not address the needs of the blind, vision-impaired or those who are otherwise impaired. For such users, this set-up is more of a hindrance than a help.
Even the German language can be an obstacle for non-native speakers, which is why this EFRD project includes a translation of the information portal content into both English and simplified German.
This enables NASA GmbH to create new ways to access the information portals and therefore also the transport services; it also promotes changes in behaviour when choosing a mode of transport in favour of environmentally friendly options.

European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD)
9th July 2018 - 31st January 2021