Bus and tram stop programme

What is funded?
The bus and tram stop programme comprises the funding of the following:
- the initial recording of the current state of accessibility at public road passenger transport stops, to provide information on barrier-free travel chains via INSA and Mobilitätsportal Mitteldeutschland,
- the barrier-free construction and expansion of public road passenger transport stops, and
- the procurement and installation of standardised signage for stops, poster display boxes and display cabinets, if they serve to improve static passenger information at public road passenger transport stops.
Who is eligible for funding?
Recipients of grants are the administrative districts and independent towns/cities as competent public road passenger transport authorities. They submit bundled applications for grants for their field of competence and, where applicable, forward the funds either to the building authorities responsible for the stops or to the transport companies responsible for stop signage and poster display boxes. Communities that are interested in obtaining funding in their area should inquire with their respective competent public road passenger transport authority.
How high is the funding rate?
The funding rate is a maximum of 80 % of the costs which are eligible for a grant. Different maximum sums apply depending on what is to be funded.
Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH
Telephone: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 190
Fax: +49 (0) 3 91 - 5 36 31 - 99
E-Mail: foerderung@nasa.de